Thursday, March 13, 2008

New sandavi logo!!!

I have had our logo finalized by my old friend and amazing graphic designer, Biff.

Back when I was seeking a name for our photography business, I wanted something that invoked a sense of simple elegance, which is what I feel represents our photography style.
I then thought-up the name Sandavi, which is simply a cute blend of Sandy and David, but also sounds somewhat like a very familiar wine brand. This sounded good enough for Sandy & I so it stuck. Coincidentally, a Sandavi is also a term used in classical music composition for "which has a very particular part to play in the mystical unfoldment of the melody"

So, many, many months later, I knew we needed a clever logo and that I wanted the look & feel of wine label imagery, but this still leaves the canvas wide-open for interpretation. It finally dawned on me...why not incorporate musical elemants into the logo?
So, I came up with most of the font used in the final layout, but I suck at graphic design and am fortunate to have had Biff help me polish it up and add the rest.
These colors will also be utilized in our web site & promotional materials.

Biff has an amazing house with a Tiki and Egyptian motif that looks more like the Indiana Jones ride at disneyland than a house.
Check-out these pics of his fireplace.
Or, check-out these pics from one of his parties

Thanks Biff!!!

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