Saturday, March 15, 2008

Holy cow! I'm on Jessica Claire's Blog

..As previously mentioned, I went to Becker's Happy hour gathering, which was a true gift.
I met Becker before & was grate enough that not only did he remember me, but Sandy's name as well. He hasn't even met Sandy & he knows her name.....well this dude should run for political office 'cuz only politicians & high-level business execs have this skill...IMHO...Maybe this is why he gets the $20 grand gigs, eh?
.....anyway, at this gathering I briefly met his gal, Jessica Claire, who is quite an amazing Rock-star photog herself. I was glad to simply say hi to her.
anyway...I'm in the pic linked above.

[b] will be hosting more of these gatherings & I can't wait for the next.

The [b] school will be announced & on-line soon. whatever the cost, if you are a photog living in So-Cal, this is a great gift.
...more on this at some random other time

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