Thursday, October 2, 2008

Melanie & Kevin's wedding at Cafe Hidalgo

We recently shot an excellent wedding for our friends Melanie & Kevin at Cafe Hidalgo in Fullerton, CA.
You may remember these two from an earlier E-session.
Cafe Hidalgo is an excellent restaurant and wedding venue. The entire even was held in the courtyard, lending an old spanish atmosphere to this amazing day.
Congrats to you both.
A slideshow will be posted this week...stay tuned.

The groom seemed a little nervous before the ceremnony, even having a cigarette...

Then, he made an escape attempt, but was quickly subdued by his groomsmen.

I love this pic...

The groom finally wised-up and the cermoney went on smoothly.

They used an English theme to their table centerpieces.
I borrowed one of the props for the ring shot.


Anonymous said...

That kid shot is tre cute

Anonymous said...

i too love the flower girl pix. great processing.