Sunday, May 25, 2008

Testing a new toy

One of my favorite sites to visit isThe Strobist, a blog about minimalist lighting using only camera strobes (as opposed to more expensive, less portable studio lights).
The blof features many how-to articles on how to achieve various techniques on a budget. This is a must see site for anyone involved in photography at all.
One article that I read recently detailed how to build your own 'Beauty dish' for $15 with items purchased from Home Depot. This immediately made a fan of me and I was hooked into doing this myself. I won't go into the hardware specifics, you can read them here. I'll just say that despite some minor variances, I pulle dthis off very well and am loving the results.
I took this to a friend's party recently to test it out...while this is simply too dorky to carry around by hand, and not terribly professional looking, it does a great job & I will definately keep using this for is what it looks like....

...and here are some images shot with it so far...

The bears in a Guns-n-Roses vibe

Sandy lookin' cute

Me, lookin heavily photoshopped...

...Cute girl and unknown musician friend ;-)

Little Owen chows down..

Would you eat this man's cooking?

What's in that bottle?

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